Traders Point I Abhishek Kumar- Journey of a Beginner to a Professional Swing Trader
“There is no single market secret to discover, no single correct way to trade the markets. Those seeking the one true answer to the markets haven’t even gotten as far as asking the right question, let alone getting the right answer.”
Jack Schwager – Author of Market Wizards
A quote we, as the professional Stock Trading Course developers & investment education instructors, stand by.
We don’t believe in creating the processes, we believe in teaching the skills & Trading Strategies that can be applied across all assets, independently, once learned the subject thoroughly.
We have created a series “Traders Point” to hear the stories of people who have explored the trading industry and have defined their careers in the same.
We will be asking our grads traders about their journey, their approach to the stock market, their advice for fellow Beginner Stock Market traders, and various other things to help you define your trading journey.
In the first episode, we talked with Abhishek Kumar, ex-brand head of a private company.
With zero or no prior interaction with the Stock Market Trading industry in his entire career as a working professional, Abhishek Kumar entered the trading industry as a complete beginner & now turned to a professional full-time Swing Trader.
His firm belief in his Swing Trading Strategies and his charts make him completely own his trading game for a profitable foreseeable future.
He is the perfect example of what a strongly disciplined and subtle mind can achieve in this industry in a very short span of time.
And as they say “Life’s too short to experiment with everything on your own, and one must keep on learning from others’ experiences”, we at Finlearn Academy will be bringing you such inspiring stories every week to encourage you.
Check out the link to watch the full video. //youtu.be/Ir4ZtZ1WMDg