The Existence of Trade:able
Actions speak louder than words! We know, we know; a redundant and overused phrase, that couldn’t possibly be the first thing you associate with financial education and trading. But, nonetheless, is the driving force behind the existence of Trade:able!
The point being after thorough research and thought, we at Trade:able, recognize how content is no longer unique! With replicas / multiple options for the same topic readily available on YouTube & the University of WhatsApp, for FREE, content in itself becomes an unreliable entity.
Expertise in trading requires understanding and building skills, wherein recognizing patterns and applying strategies should become a trader’s second nature. The realistic application of any content lies in its practicality and its usage in the real world.
That’s where we come in. With our new-age gamified platform; not only do we aim to empower our audience with practical skills, we do so by acclimatizing them to real market scenarios, where you can practice your strategies, risk-free!
Now, we know we are the new girl in the town of financial education; and why must you take our word for it? Let us show you why
Traders don’t learn about trading. “Trading to learn” is no more rational or profitable than playing roulette to learn for the individual investor. What traders always forget is that trading is a profession and requires skills that need to be developed over the years to succeed and sustain in this market.
We have always been taught that investment in stocks is the riskiest and that we will end up losing money. But the reality is different……….. We require early training in stock trading and investment. Awareness of the concepts of compounding, and share market can help us be more financially savvy as traders and investors.
Trade:able, is one of its kind EdTech Trading platform that not only helps you develop trading skills but allows you to test them in gamified real-time scenarios.
We hope that join us in our revolution of disrupting the status quo and become a part of taking charge of your financial freedom! (in the most fun way possible 😉 See you soon, trading wizards!