Traders Point I Ayush Aggarwal- A Beginner’s Journey of Exploring Positional Trading
The most common advice you get in financial planning is to protect your money from Inflation.
But how do you tame this dragon- Inflation?– is a question that has various answers/theories.
The one that often stands out is – Equity!
Equity is one asset class that has beaten inflation hollow. Nifty has delivered the best inflation-adjusted returns over time.
Today, in our Traders Point Series, we talked with Ayush– a beginner positional trader on a journey to explore the equity market.
Ayush is an IT engineer and has been investing in SIPs and FDs. He started his stock trading journey by taking trade calls based on someone else’s Price Action strategy, therefore never really understood how the market works.
But he believed in beating the ascending inflation by taking a reasonable chance in the equity vehicle and hence, opted for the professional stock trading course.
In his opinion, knowing the why and how helps in developing confidence as you keep learning the psychology of the stock market, which is, indeed, more valuable than just buying/selling a stock.
A good mentor and peers play an important role in his trading journey as the second assurance is vital to develop certainty.
Conclusively, his suggestion for fellow beginner stock traders is to keep on learning/observing the market mindfully to be able to stay in the market for a longer duration.
Here are the following other key takeaways from his interview:
Stock Identification/selection:
- Before applying the trading indicators, always try to analyze the psychology of the buyers and sellers based on the Price Action Chart Patterns.
- The post-trade Technical Analysis is important to identify if your entry point was correct and helps you define your exit points.
Building Confidence:
- Using tools like a simulator can help you build confidence by strengthening your Stock Trading concepts.
Risk management:
- Maintenance of consistent lot size and putting the amount only which you can afford to lose in the stock market.
Check out the complete interview to know more about his journey from being a beginner to taking profitable positional trades.
And as they say “Life’s too short to experiment with everything on your own, and one must keep on learning from others’ experiences”, we at Finlearn Academy will be bringing you such inspiring stories every week to encourage you.
Check out the link to watch the full video. //youtu.be/PO4KLmha3aA